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Collaborative Learning

Learning through the exchange and sharing of information and opinions among a peer group.


A unit of study, typically with a workload of more than 25–30 hours, that includes:

  1. a study guide/syllabus with instructions on how to learn from the presented materials and interactions;
  2. educational content, which may include video, audio, text, games (including simulations), social media and animation;
  3. possibilities for interaction, such as social media channels, forums, blogs or RSS readers to build a learning community;
  4. activities/tasks/assignments, tests and feedback, which can be automatically generated (e.g., quizzes), as well as peer feedback and/or general feedback from academic staff;
  5. exams, including some kind of recognition option, i.e., an acknowledgment of achievements, such as course completion, by a competent authority.

Course Design

Setting learning objectives, choosing media applications, planning evaluation and preparing instructional strategies in advance of students recruitment and development of course materials.

Creative Commons licensing

A licensing scheme which provides a way to share and reuse copyright resources under flexible, legal terms. Creative Commons licenses are increasingly applied to teaching resources that are typically made available using the internet.