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Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

An online course designed for large numbers of participants that can be accessed by anyone anywhere as long as they have an Internet connection, are open to everyone without entry qualifications and offer a full/complete course experience online, for free.

Mobile learning

E-learning through mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. More specifically, mobile learning activities can be designed to make use of a student’s immediate context and surroundings, for example offering information about an artist while visiting an art gallery.


Facilitating discussions in forums and other online systems, including ensuring acceptable behavior. Moderators have privileges that allow them to edit or delete messages that contravene a code of conduct. They may also have a role in guiding and shaping discussion, helping students to engage in useful and appropriate interactions.


A separate and coherent block of learning. Part of a modular programme of studies where the programme is divided into a range of similar sized segments.


Moodle is an Open-Source Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It has become very popular among educators around the world as a tool for creating online dynamic web sites for their students. It is also being used as the basis for one of the customisable learning environments.


Anything which incorporates more than one type of media, e.g., combination of text, audio, images, animations, video, and interactive content. For example, multimedia can be anything from a simple PowerPoint slideshow to a complex interactive simulation.